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Fisheries Patrol Vessel Chilco Post in Knight Inlet 1986. Photo by John Lewis.


This Association is composed of retired members of the Canadian Coast Guard and Fisheries & Oceans sections of the Federal Government. 

We are an informal group of some 100 members meeting for luncheon twice a year to meet with old friends and spin some yarns.

The Purposes of the Coast Guard Association are to:

   To continue our Canadian Coast Guard camaraderie into retirement.
   To support our membership and their families, when and as appropriate.
   To support those currently serving in the Canadian Coast Guard and other maritime interests, when and as appropriate.
   To undertake or support other activities approved by the Membership. The Association was incorporated under the B.C. Society's Act in July 1996.


Victoria Meet Ups  See Bulletins page for details.

Canadian Coast Guard Association (Pacific)

25 Huron Street

Victoria, BC   V8V 4V9


Membership Application